sábado, 8 de agosto de 2015

Challenges in turbine transport

Challenges in turbine transport

13 August 2008

R C Silva, L J Pedroso and A Albuquerque detail the challenges that were met during transportation of a turbine runner to Brazil’s Tucurui dam

Tucurui dam, located on the Arguaia-Tocantins basin in Brazil (Figure 1), is owned and operated by Brazilian power company Eletronorte, a subsidiary of Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras - Eletrobras.
Construction of the project – which involved the use of 1.08M tons of cement and 222,000 tons of steel – occurred in two phases. The first stage began in 1976 and was completed in 1984, with twelve Francis turbines installed in the power plant, representing 4125MW of the full anticipated installed power of 8370MW.
The second stage of construction began in 1998 and was completed in 2006. Upon completion of this stage a further 4245MW capacity was added, through installation of another 11 turbines (Figure 2).
This paper details the logistical issues encountered during delivery of one of the turbine runners, together with technical information on the turbine installation. It is pointed out that the methods and means of transport detailed here were utilised during transport and installation of the 11 turbines that formed part of the second stage of construction.
Characteristics of the turbine runner
The turbine runner is made of cast steel designated ASTM A 743–CA 6NM. The runner is 5m high with an outlet diameter of 8.3m. The Francis turbines used at the plant are designed with a capacity of 382MW and a nominal inflow of 682m3/sec.
In general, turbine runners are composed of three distinct parts: a crown and a band made of cast steel that weigh around 107 and 51 tons respectively, and 12 curved blades made of calendering plates. Part of the blade surface is coated with 5mm thick stainless steel to protect from cavitation. Each of the blades weigh 5.7 tons and have an average thickness of approximately 130mm.
In the central part of the runner, there is also a steel runner cone that weighs 1.2 tons, designed to assure continuity of the hydraulic flow. Figure 3 shows the turbine runner.
Power station
During construction of the two power stations which form the Tucurui project, turbines where placed in wells. These wells were covered by a steel cylinder designed to help in the well concreting and to function as a support to inferior closing of the generator. The wells are 10.5m in diameter with a depth of 5m.
Turbine runner transportation
General considerations
An efficient transportation support is fundamental for good logistic performance and supply management, as delays in equipment delivery can have a fundamental effect on project completion.
The most common problems faced during transportation of material are poorly conserved roads and the lack of control and regulation laws for transportation in Brazil. Most of Eletronorte’s business is concentrated in northern Brazil which still has a considerable lack of adequate infrastructure, meaning the transport of exceptional loads, such as the turbine runner, can be a great challenge.
From the first stage of construction, solely road transport of heavy equipment from industry to the dam was not recommended. This was due to the length of transportation (over two months), high costs, and the inability of existing roads in the north to handle large loads.
As a result, Transport Assistance of Eletronorte (AST) carried out a viability study on the condition of Brazilian roads between industry and the dam site, taking into account particular characteristics of weight and dimensions of the charge and also the limitations of certain roads.
Based on this report, Eletronorte decided to transport large equipment manufactured in Brazil – such as the turbine runners – using a combination of roads, sea and rivers. Equipment left industry by road to be transported to a nearby port, where they were transferred by ship to Bele?m Port, with the final part of the journey being by raft to the project site.
Transport of the turbine runner
A description of the passage of turbine runners to Tucurui dam is described below, with transportation time being over one month.
The runner was manufactured in Taubate city in Sao Paulo. Once complete it was carried to Santos Port on a wagon, which measured 93m long, 9m wide with 296 wheels, including the trucks that pulled it. The set weighed 640 tons, including runner, wagon, trucks and articulated beam/gondola. The load allowed for each wheel is about 5 tons. The load was driven a distance of 210km, with the itinerary and parking places planned th Company of Engineering of Traffic (CET).
As part of the route, 45km was covered in Sao Paulo city with an average speed of 5km/h. The wagon was authorized to pass through the city at night between the hours of 11:00pm to 6:00am to avoid disturbing traffic. The rest of the time it was parked in designated places. It took ten days to pass through the city.
Some of the problems encountered during transportation included the fact that CET had to raise a concrete footbridge by two cranes, because the turbine runner was higher than the bridge. It was also necessary to remove light poles, disconnect electrical and telephonic systems and remove fencings, traffic lights, etc.
When it arrived in Santos Port, the transportation set shown in figures 5 was discarded and the runner was transferred to a wagon road using a crane.
The new transport had the following characteristics: twelve axles in transversal direction; three lines (longitudinal direction) with four wheels, each one totalizing 144 wheels; a truck which has 700HP and traction capacity of 500 tons; and an auxiliary truck with 298HP and 100tons of traction capacity. Runner and set transportation embarked on a ship type roll on-roll off to Belem Port and travelled a distance of 4600km. Figure 6 shows the road wagon detail.
Upon arrival at Belem Port (Figure 7), the road wagon and the turbine runner disembarked the ‘Starman America’ ship and the set was driven to Dock Company of Para. The road wagon once again passed through urban areas to arrive at Belem fluvial terminal (Figure 8).
In Bele?m, the truck/wagon and turbine rotor were loaded onto a raft for its journey to Tucurui Port. This transport had a capacity to carry 1000 tons in capacity; 16m in width; 50m in length and a pusher of 1000 tons of weight. The wagon was anchored to the raft at eight points with steel cables to avoid set sliding. Figure8 shows a view of the raft/wagon and rotor.
The raft sailed 330km over ten days along the Tocantins River to arrive at Tucurui Port. Along the river, rafts require a maximum draft of 1.5m and adequate dimensions to guarantee the stability when loaded or not. Deck structure was strengthened to carry nearly 350 tons.
Once it reached Tucurui Port, the runner turbine was lifted by an overhead travelling crane (250/25tf) using four steel cables and placed on the new transportation set to be driven to Tucurui power station. Elevation mechanism was fixed in the runner crown as shown in Figure 9, and after that it was elevated to a height of 18.4m.
The runner was transported along the road for 5km, with a metallic frame protecting the equipment. This frame was welded onto the wagon structure, with wood wedges used to absorb impacts during the route.
Upon arrival at the power station, the wagon was parked under the rolling bridge 550/60tf inside the power station and runner was lifted and placed on the floor for assembly and installation.
The runner turbine travelled for approximately 45 days, and during the route no incidents were reported. As a result, the transportation plan was repeated for the generators, the rest of the turbine runners, and other large equipment. According to the logistic department of Eletronorte, this transportation plan can be considered safe because it maintains equipment integrity and is low cost compared to other alternatives.

Silva, R.C., Research Assistant, University of Brasilia Department of Civil Engineering (ritasilva@unb.br) Pedroso, L.J., Associate Professor, University of Brasi?lia Department of Civil Engineering (lineu@unb.br) Albuquerque, A., Civil Engineer, Eletronorte Power (antonival@eln.gov.br)
The authors wish to acknowledge Eletronorte for supplying the photos and technical information used in this article
fonte: http://www.waterpowermagazine.com/

segunda-feira, 3 de agosto de 2015

New concepts and trends in design and building of hydroelectric power plants in Brazilian Amazon Region

H. R. Gama, A. de Souza Pinto, C. Gonçalves & A. L. Albuquerque
Eletrobras-Eletronorte, Project Manager and staff members

D. V. Znamensky
CBDB-GO/DF & University of Brasilia-Institute of Geosciences, Seismological Observatory

Abstract: Main advantages of concepts of platform type hydroelectric power plants, as named by the present Brazilian government, are (i) harmonic coexistence between natural biophysical and social/human environments assuring a sustainable development form, since the early construction phase, until exploitation and finally an unavoidable decommissioning stage; (ii) environmental impact reduction during construction and operation periods, with minimal interferences in rainforest domains at dams and reservoir areas. Recent projects are: Dardanelos plant executed at Aripuanã River, and the planned Tapajós/Jamanxim Rivers scheme composed by, São Luis of Tapajós and Jatobá plants (Tapajós), and Jamanxim, Cachoeira do Caí and Cachoeira dos Patos plants (Jamanxim) rivers. Projects as Belo Monte, Santo Antonio and Jirau, on Xingu and Madeira Rivers, follow the same trends. Environmental and socio-economic advantages are emphasized using increased control and preservation of forestall reserves at reservoirs and dams neighborhood compared with previous procedures of building power plants and appurtenants in the Brazilian tropics.


1.1   General considerations
The previously successful mobilization and development of natural hydraulic resources in Brazil enables their exploitation in the Northern and North-Western parts of its territory.
The development of natural hydraulic resources in the Southern and Eastern-Central parts of the country, the obtained experience and skills, encourages their exploitation also in the reminiscent parts of the territory and specifically in the Amazon Region.
The country’s economic and industrial development with a fast population growth, attaining 190 million of inhabitants, asks for an increase and improvement of the standard of life. These factors oblige the Brazilian society and authorities to explore, between others forms of energy, the available hydraulic potential of the Brazilian Amazon Region.
The adopted policy assures in this way a continuous sustainable economic and social development which results in general welfare of the society utilizing the country’s natural resources in an intensive but also strictly rational mode.
The main topics to be observed in this case are a maximal possible conservation of the rain forest vegetation, preservation of natural ecological reserves and sites of natural scenic beauty, while creating a minimal interference with the existent Indian communities and other minor factors. All exposed items pose a highly defiant challenge for Brazilian dam engineers and other professionals.

The task of erecting dams, creating water storage conditions, constructing power plants, transmission lines and access roads in the equatorial or subequatorial environment of the country, conducts both designers and constructors in the search of rational and responsible equilibrium in engineering solutions concerning planning, design, construction and exploitation of hydroelectric power plants in Brazil’s Amazon Region.
1.2   Main Brazilian hydrographic basins

Brazil is a country with an abundant net of watercourses of large natural discharges and also extended and frequently navigable rivers. An expressive majority of such watercourses are located in the Northern tropical/subtropical environment known as the Brazilian Legal Amazon Territory. The major part of the hydrographic basins in the Amazon territory are covered by dense humid tropical rainforest (Northern part), or alternatively by a strong developed typical savanna vegetation mantle with the denser vegetation only along the watercourses (Southern part).
Figure 1. Main  Brazilian  Hydrographic  Basins, their  principal  streams  and  main  planned and
constructed HEP in the country’s Amazon Region.

Figure 1 indictes the Amazon River basin (1) with tributaries located in both hemispheres, Tocantins-Araguaia (2), São Francisco (4), Paraná-Paraguai (6) and Uruguai (7) River basins, all of them with their numerous tributaries. Minor hydrographic basins (3, 5 and 8) are constituted by rivers discharging directly to the Atlantic Ocean.
The main watercourses of the mentioned basins (except the minors) and their most important hydrologic characteristics are listed in Table 1 (Fiorini 2002).

Table 1. Major Brazilian hydrographic basins.
Principal River
Mean Rainfall (mm/year)
Mean Discharge (m3/s)
Mean Specific Discharge (l/s/km2)
São Francisco**
*Basin area located only in territory of Brazil.  **Portuguese designation of the streams as used in the text.


2.1     Main Amazon Region hydrographic basins

The Amazon Basin Rivers are potentially responsible for an amount of 72% of the country’s hydraulic resources. The twelve major rivers of the Amazon basin are listed in Table 2, indicating their respective mean annual discharge utilizable for hydraulic energy generation.

Table 2. Amazon streams and their mean annual discharge utilizable for energy generation purposes.


* Tocantins-Araguaia basin (2) including Araguaia River.

 2.1     Existing and operating large and medium HEP

Several large and medium size hydroelectric power plants (HEP) were built in the Brazilian Amazon Region in the past. Among them is the largest exclusively Brazilian plant of Tucuruí, located on Tocantins River with an installed capacity of 8,370 MW. The dam includes one of the largest spillways in the world (Figure 2) with a discharge capacity superior to 110,000 m3/s.
Several other smaller and local schemes, Balbina, on Uatumã, Curuá-Una, on Curuá-Una, Coaracy Nunes on Araguari, and Samuel on Jamarí Rivers, were built in the Brazilian Amazon Region supplying cities as Manaus (AM), Porto Velho (RO), and specific mining and industrial plants’ demand of the region.
At the mentioned sites new engineering experience of building dams in tropical rainy environment was obtained such as: a) foundations treatment of dams erected on sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, and b) construction of embankments using weathered and humid material (tropical soils).
Some previous experience at hydroelectric plants built in the Amazon Region inside and outside of Brazil was also obtained with regard to reservoir performance.
In the past the Brokopondo, in The Netherland’s Guiana, Curuá-Una, Balbina, Tucuruí and Samuel dams in Brazil, and their respective reservoirs created a concern in face of the large amount of submerged area with a great quantity of drowned vegetation (biomass) if compared to the amount of generated energy. Several values of obtained ratios between the energy production and submerged areas were observed on Brazilian reservoirs and are presented in Table 3 (Taioli 2001).
Recent researches performed by Eletrobras-Eletronorte indicate several benefits in maintaining a submerged biomass reserve with the purpose of fish protection and also aiming at an increase in fish reproduction.

Figure 2. Tucuruí hydroelectric power plant, the 1st large plant built in the Brazilian Amazon Region.

Table 3. Specific energy production vs reservoir submerged area of several Brazilian Power plants.

Power plant
Energy Production
Power plant
Energy Production
Balbina (AM)*
Belo Monte (PA)*
Jirau (RO)*
Santo Antonio (RO)*
Dardanelos (MT)*
Serra da Mesa (GO)*
Itaipú (Brazil/Paraguai)
Tapajós (MT/AM)*
Itaparica (PE)*
Tucuruí (PA)*
Porto Primavera (SP/MS)
Xingó (SE/AL)
*Power plants constructed/planned in the Amazon Region. 

The high value of the Dardanelos HEP is due to the run-of-river scheme diverting the natural discharge without storage or pondage preserving the original ecosystem and natural waterfalls scenery.
Recently several controversial questions were raised involving undesirable gas (CO2 and CH4) emissions by large reservoirs observed and measured at some of the above mentioned Brazilian reservoirs.
Punctual, isolated and reduced data point in this direction, but there are still no conclusive reports supported by a long term and generalized observations, neither in Brazil nor abroad, that validate the collected data. In every case runoff river schemes produce very small values of such emissions.

2.1     Planned hydroelectric power plants.

A large amount of 227 potential sites was identified by the governmental agencies for the planning, construction and operation of hydroelectric plants in the Amazon Region, representing an increase of 46,120 MW to the installed hydroelectric capacity of the country (Sipot 2010).
The 32 sites, principally identified and available, are located on large tributaries of the Amazon River, such as Xingu, Tapajós, Madeira, Purus, and at the Tocantins-Araguaia Rivers basin.
During preliminary studies a set of 24 locals, with capacities ranging from 6,133 to 208 MW, were identified as the more attractive sites with a total capacity of 42,400 MW; 7 sites among them, were considered priority, including the Dardanelos pioneer plant (Table 4).

Table 4. Planned Power plant sites at different project stages.
Power plant
Discharge (m3/s)
Belo Monte
Cachoeira Porteira 2
Cachoeira Porteira 1
Santo Antonio do Jarí
Santo Antonio


Hydraulic power plants inserted in a humid rainforest environment are planned, designed and constructed in an optimized way, produce minimal interferences in the existent natural ecosystems while maximizing social and economic benefits for the native or more recently settled local population.
Some statements are accepted as necessary premises for planning, design and construction of power plants in the Amazon Region, and they are:
a) Maximal use of rivers natural discharge (run-of-river schemes) with reservoirs of reduced storage or with pondage capacities minimizing this way permanently submerged areas.
b) Maximal removing of the natural vegetative cover (trees, bushes, grass) that forms the biomass when permanently submerged by water, therefore reducing the gas emissions.
c) Soil borrows and stone quarries areas location in preferable permanently submerged places of the river channel or reservoir.
d) Wildlife preservation in restricted areas and fish preservation, allowing migration and transposition of natural or of man-made water level differences.
e) Reforestation of all scars and areas attained by roads, accesses, and provisory installation of construction equipment and/or logistic support that are decommissioned after end of construction.
f) Implemented conservation and inspection of the forestall reserves close to the reservoirs compatible with their size.
g) Preservation of tourist and recreational facilities, if existing, avoiding their submergence, as e.g. at Sete Quedas (Paraná River) and Canal of São Simão (Paranaiba River) waterfalls.
h) Avoidance of building large and extended urban settlements close to the dams, for personal involved in the overall construction activities, but offering reasonable comfortable permanence and rest conditions during the turn-over periods (so-called platform type power plants).
i) Indian Communities Territory integrity and Natural Reserve Parks preservation in strict accordance with the country laws.
j) Fluvial transport facilities, such as locks, and other auxiliary structures.


In compliance with the statements exposed above the power plant design results in exploitation of the rivers’ natural discharges without pluriannual flow regulating procedures exerted by dams, spillways, gates and reservoirs for storage purposes. Preferences are given to simple water pondage in detriment of storage (run-of-river schemes), resulting in small dams and in free overflow weirs of reduced height avoiding excessive bank inundation.
Optimized use of natural head and/or water level differences at rapids and waterfalls (Paulo Afonso on São Francisco, and Cachoeira Dourada on Paranaiba Rivers) is already an old practice in Brazil (Znamensky 2008).
Recently, the creation of shunt flow conditions was contemplated by introducing by-pass channels in large natural bends of plain river courses with a small topographic gradient.
Low-head schemes are favored by the use of horizontal shafts and axis machinery such as existing coaxial generators and turbines or bulb units. Such machinery allows minimizing the submergence of river banks and their surroundings and reduced interference on natural vegetation.
Fish migration structures such as stepped channels and elevators (locks) for spawning and reproduction is already an obligatory facility at Brazilian dams (example: Itaipu dam).
Also, fluvial navigation and transportation practice such as locks, berth and terminal structures are inserted in dam lay-outs, where the condition of such activity exist as e.g. at Sobradinho dam on the São Francisco River.
An example of such diversified water resources exploitation occurs at Tucuruí Dam and Reservoir, with an upstream-downstream level difference transposition system that was recently built. A pair of locks chambers of very large size (jumbo), 210 m in length and 33 m in width, placed at a distance of 6 km between them, were designed and inserted in the dam.
The constructed locks allow performing a low cost and energy saving mode of transportation, a practice exerted by the riverain population of the Tocantins River since immemorial times (Costa Neto & Zolcsak 2010).


New power plants to be built in the Amazon Region favor the “run-of-river” type layout close to the rapids and waterfalls in the upstream reaches, or the low-head dams and plants powered by bulb units in the downstream reaches of the rivers. In this way the use of the natural available head and discharge is obtained at a low cost investment allied to minimal interferences in the ecosystems.
The first and positive example of what is called by Brazilian authorities a platform power plant, i.e. the Dardanelos project, is at the final stage of construction and performing the initial operational tests.
Since the feasibility study stage certain characteristics of the selected site influenced the plants initial layout, namely:
1) The topography along the Aripuanã River with 100 m high waterfalls and rapids.
2) The sedimentary rock foundation (sandstone) at overflow weir and powerhouse locations.
3) The human settlement with river right bank occupation by the town of Aripuanã (MT).
4) The conservation of recreational and leisure areas close to the waterfalls.
5) Conservation and stand-by of three small operating power plants at the selected site.

5.1       Dardanelos hydroelectric power plant

The characteristics of the mentioned hydroelectric power plant built downstream of the Dardanelos and Andorinhas waterfalls on the Aripuanã River, a tributary of Madeira River, Mato Grosso State (MT), are given in following Table 5 (CBDB 2009).
 Table 5. Technical Characteristics of Dardanelos hydroelectric scheme power plant
Power plant capacity
261 MW
Firm capacity
154 MW
Generators units
              4x 58 MW and 1x 29 MW
Rated head
95.6 m

Figure 3 Preserved Dardanelos waterfalls and the constructed hydroelectric power plant as upstream view.
Figure 4. Dardanelos power plant as a downstream view with restoration measures of adjacent forest area.

Certain characteristics of the selected site influenced the definition of the layout already during the feasibility study jointly with the local physical conditions, all accepted as design criteria. The topography of the site known as Dardanelos and Andorinhas (Swallows) Falls at the Aripuanã River presents a 100 m high drop (Fig. 3).
The hydroelectric development basically consists of an upstream low-head dam with an overflow weir, an approaching channel, an intake structure, and penstocks conducting the water to the powerhouse with restitution channel, where the hydraulic energy of the Aripuanã River is harnessed (Fig. 4). The strong components of landscape, ecology, scenery and tourist attraction of rare beauty are characterized by the waterfalls, rapids, forested islands and jagged rock outcrops.
The main preserved leisure areas for the inhabitants of Aripuanã city are located on the upstream and downstream side of the rapids and falls on the banks of the river’s islands and sandstone slabs consisting of two water parks and their pertinent infrastructure. A dense natural and preserved rainforest mantle covers most of the river left bank. In the channel area three small operating hydroelectric power plants are conserved as small stand-by plants representing a historic value memorial of the initial development stage of the region.

5.2     Other power plants projects planned to be built.

The positive pioneer experience obtained at the Dardanelos Project is applied to several other power plants to be built on the tributaries of the Amazon River. The next hydroelectric power plants to be constructed are situated at the following rivers and sites:
1) Xingu River complex, presently known as Belo Monte complex (11,233MW) completely redesigned substituting the former Babaquara-Cararaó project.
2) Tapajós/Jamanxim Rivers complex composed of São Luis de Tapajós (6,133 MW) and Jatobá (2,338 MW) plants on Tapajós River, and Cachoeira do Caí (802 MW), Jamanxim (881 MW) and Cachoeira dos Patos (528 MW) on Jamanxim River.
3) Madeira River complex, involving Santo Antonio (3,150MW) and Jirau (3,350MW) schemes being already in the initial construction phases.


Platform type power plants are an adequate solution for development of hydropower on Brazilian Amazon Rivers. The dams and plants respect the natural environment, offer social and economic advantages and represent a sustainable development processes. Rivers are largely preserved at their original state. Plants construction excludes large urban settlements inserted in the neighborhood of the dams or reservoirs.
Auxiliary access and roads are reduced to strictly necessary ways of communication. Forested areas if attained by vegetal mantle removing, are recovered by original specimen’s plantations. All scars produced in forested area during construction are eliminated.
Construction is conducted by turn-over labor periods justifying the designation platform plants by analogy with petroleum drilling and pumping structures employed offshore.


Special thanks for permission of publishing the present data are presented to several governmental and private entities, identified by their following Portuguese designations, as:
1.   Agencia Nacional de Águas, Eletrobrás, Eletrobras-Eletronorte, Eletrobras-Chesf; Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE).
2.       Energética Águas da Pedra SA, Neoenergia SA, Consórcio CCD (ODEBRECHT, IMPSA, PCE), Comitê Brasileiro de Barragens (CBDB), Universidade de Brasília - Instituto de Geociências (UnB).
Permission for use and reproduction of photographs is thankfully recognized and due to their respective authors. Special thanks are directed to Prof.Dr. R. Boes for his highly appreciated contribution in improving the English text and  papers format.


Brazilian Committee on Dams (CBDB) (2009a). The Dardanelos Hydroelectric Development on the Aripuanã River, in Main Brazilian Dams III (2009), 120-135.
Brazilian Committee on Dams (CBDB) (2009b). Main Brazilian Dams III, Design, Construction and Performance. Organized by E. Carvalho. Edited by CBDB, 436.
Costa Neto W. F. & Zolcsak, W. (2010). Transposition System of upstream-downstream water level difference created by the dam and Tucurui Hydroelectric Power plant constructed at the Tocantins River. Proc. 78th ICOLD Annual Meeting-Internat. Symposium (2010). Hanoi, Vietnam, 8.
Fiorini, A. S. (2002). Large Brazilian Spillways-An Overview of Brazilian Practice and Experience, in Designing and Building Spillways for Large Dams. Coordinators: Machado, B.P. and Fiorini, A. S. 70th ICOLD Annual Meeting, CBDB Special Edition (2002), 205 p.
Sistema de Informação do Potencial Nacional Hídrico Brasileiro (Sipot) (2010). Eletrobras Special Task Group Internal Report (in Portugues).
Taioli, F. (2001). Energetic Resources -Deciphering the Earth Chap. 22, Ed. USP & Oficina, 488.
Znamensky, D.V. (2008). Dam heightening or power plant construction by stages as a solution for larger power output. Proc. 76th ICOLD Annual Meeting-Internat. Symposium (2008). Sofia-Bulgaria, 11.